Being Frank on the Computer

There is very little quality assurance behind what goes in here, so keep that in mind. You can expect a mix of ranting and praise for things at the intersection of accessibility and data work, sometimes with other topics thrown in (aesthetics, epistemology, games, media, etc). I do plenty of navel-gazing, especially as it relates to research in Human-Computer Interaction. If you’re into these sorts of things, welcome to my blog.

If you’re curious about my shorter-form thoughts, follow me on my twitter account @FrankElavsky, where I am regularly harping just the same as here but in slightly-smaller doses.

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Blog Posts


LLMs: From having thoughts to managing them

Large-language models aren't just coming for our jobs, their coming for our thoughts and vibes.

Filling the potholes of the web.

People with the power to fix our inaccessible web have failed to do it for long enough. Isn't it time to imagine ways we can repair the web without waiting for them?

Strange avatars: Body-doubling with strangers

I was assigned to build a little prototype and test it with users for a class. I chose to investigate what it might be like to facilitate a body-doubling productivity session between two strangers. But both of them looked like silly animals.

On PhD life: Being behind and doing justice

People do PhDs for all sorts of reasons. But I've come to realize that one of mine has been that I've been trying to prove something to myself. I'm sure that I'm not alone.

What is a prototype?

In this short reflection, I explore a rather unorthodox answer to "what is a prototype?" that involves rhetoric, reflexivity, and a touch of theology.


Introducing Data Navigator

I'm happy to announce my latest project, Data Navigator! Making interactive data visualizations work with assistive technologies that navigate content is complex and difficult work. Data Navigator aims to make this easier.

Is academia salvageable?

Are radical projects possible in academia outside of those moments when the stars align?

Visualization recommendations

What books should I read to learn data visualization? Where do I learn current trends and best practices?

The Art of Insight, a picture of ourselves

Frank Elavsky's review of Alberto Cairo's forthcoming book, The Art of Insight.


Chartability version 2

Announcing Chartability v2 and our paper on the project, for GAAD 2022.

Facing the Scale of Digital Inaccessibility

The scale of inaccessibility is enormous and things aren't looking too good.

Good Twitter Threads I’ve Written

A self-sommelier of sorts, selecting my favorite threads. (I love that Crystal Lee did this on her blog, so I am following suit!)