

Accessible Data Viz

2 pages of simple, practical tips for making interactive data visualizations more accessible, specifically in the newsroom.

Challenging Ableism: A Critical Turn Toward Disability Justice in HCI

Cella M. Sum, Franchesca Spektor, Rahaf Alharbi, Leya Breanna Baltaxe-Admony, Erika Devine, Hazel Anneke Dixon, Jared Duval, Tessa Eagle, Frank Elavsky, Kim Fernandes, Leandro S. Guedes, Serena Hillman, Vaishnav Kameswaran, Lynn Kirabo, Tamanna Motahar, Kathryn E. Ringland, Anastasia Schaadhardt, Laura Scheepmaker, Alicia Williamson
XRDS 2024

Counterpoint: Orchestrating Large-Scale Custom Animated Visualizations

Counterpoint helps orchestrate animated data visualizations by providing a robust framework for state management.

Exploring The Affordances of Game-Aware Streaming to Support Blind and Low Vision Viewers: A Design Probe Study

Many video games offer accessibility settings and functionality, but what about streamers viewing a stream of a game?


Data Navigator: An accessibility-centered data navigation toolkit

Data Navigator is a system for creating accessible, navigable data structures.

The Micro-Paper: Towards cheaper, citable research ideas and conversations

arXiv 2023
What if our research ideas were smaller?

A New Vision for Data Viz Accessibility

Emily Barone, Frank Elavsky
As our industry becomes more aware of the barriers it creates for blind and visually impaired people, things are starting to change.

Option-Driven Design: Context, Tradeoffs, and Considerations for Accessibility

arXiv 2023
How should we think about designing for options and accessibility?


How accessible is my visualization? Evaluating visualization accessibility with Chartability

Chartability is a set of heuristics for testing the accessibility of data visualizations.

The Right Tools for the Job: Learning and Building for Data Visualization and Accessibility

The tools we use to visualize data can limit the potential of our accessibility. It is important to learn how to pick the right tools for the job.